Nov 12, 2009

US to bid farewell to Afghan?

Will it be just no more troops to Afghan or will it be a decision for the US to bid farewell to Afghanistan?

The people in Afghanistan would have almost decided to drop the word PEACE from their dictionaries. The reason is because almost every citizen wakes up to the noise of bomb shelling or grenade firings in the land of Afghanistan since the early 1970s. One foreign army or the other have been setting their bases in this land since 1979 with the motive of helping the country in its war with Iraq. But its been more than two decades since the smoke from the explosives of various armies have diminished and paved way for peace.

The US army has set up its base in Afghan and has been consistently working to end up the war between the two nations. But since this army regime has lost a countable sum of soldiers in the afghan war and the setting up of troops has boosted up the cost factor of foreign policies, the US is taking up steps to almost end up its connection with this war. As a first step to this the US ambassador to Afghanistan, Mr.Eikenberry has urged the president of the USA for no more troops to Afghanistan. He has in fact warned to stop sending in troops and wants the corruption situation in the government to be tackled. But on the other hand, top US commander has asked for 40000 more soldiers to strengthen the base.

The US nationals are waiting for the decision on this, so that the money used in the war zones can be very well diverted to other needs of the hour including reviving from the recession. The civilians of the Afghanistan are waiting for the same decision in order to erase the word war from their daily routines and view a sunrise in peace after many decades.

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