Nov 14, 2009

Cease climate blame game

Global warming has been a serious issue for the past couple of years, an issue not discussed in a particular country but discussed and worried all over the world. But things have gone worse as the countries have begun to blame each other in the process of identifying and controlling the reasons for global warming. So what is this global warming and why are countries very concerned about it?

Global warming is the effect of heating up of earth caused due to the emission of polluting gases which highly contribute to the same. These gases trap heat within the earth’s atmosphere without and thus result in the temperature changes all over the globe. This is also known as the greenhouse effect. The countries which have been topping the charts in the emission of these GHG have been concentrating on blaming each other rather than on the measures to control it. In order to cease the blame game and pave a suitable channel to control the global warming, the United Nations has taken a serious step organizing a summit on the climate change. Delegates from close to 192 countries will be participating in this summit which will be held at Copenhagen from 6th to 18th December 2009.The idea is to set up a “Copenhagen protocol” through this summit, which will help the nations in a great deal to take command over the climate change issues. Various environment organization are anxiously awaiting for the Copenhagen summit, as they expect the blame game between the countries to cease and follow a common protocol to solve the issue.

Why is this issue in focus now and not before? The effect of the global warming has worsened such that the change in climate has become rapid in turn challenging the adaptability of living beings to survive. Moreover the serious effect of this on earth’s major ice sheets such as Antarctica and Greenland have led to the rise in sea levels which is predicted to lead to the existence of life on earth.

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