Oct 16, 2009

Charge it with your Pulse

A healthy human heart beats 72 to 80 times in a minute. But as you read this blog , your pulse rate might go up out of excitement. Ever wondered that human pulse can give life to non-living substances also? I guess no ... But a kido from an indian school thought out of the box and is in ways to prove it. Sarojini a 15 year girl from a school in India accidently shared a crazy idea with her school teacher that the human pulse can be used to charge a mobile phone. And the response from the teacher was a big "What?". But later as the student explained the process as what she had in her mind, the teachers were indeed more interested to help it come true.

Sarojini's idea was to charge the mobile phone using the heat in the palm , indirectly generated by the pulse. They worked for nearly four months to design a charging system comprising of sensors which can be placed on the mobile phones. As a person holds the mobile with in the palms, the heat from the palm can be used to charge the mobile phone.

The craziest fact is that, hardly few would have noticed the heat energy is generated with in the palms, and yet fewer would have known that it is as a result of the pulse generated by the heart beat. Crazy ideas are easy to pop up in miind , but not all get a chance to implement them. Sarojini was lucky enough to get the right platform to make her dreams come true. The teachers helped the kid to present the idea in the
IGNITE presentation competetion held in India. The ideas were noticed and recognized and now has been picked up by the Stanford university.Now she has a long way to go with the road clear ahead and achieve her ambition to become a scientist.

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